Domestic Renovations

Residential renovations typically involve a high degree of complexity.

As a result of the existing dwelling often occupying a substantial part of the site, the space available for an addition is often limited, and requires careful consideration to allow useable space on the property to remain, and also to prevent loss of amenity to neighbouring properties.

In many cases, Heritage requirements mean that more of the existing dwelling must remain, together with any additions being hidden from the street, despite it being more cost-effective to demolish more, or all, of the existing house.

Integration of the new with old involves a decision whether to design the renovation in a way that it appears as though it were always there, or to design a new addition with a complete identity unto itself, whereby the old and new can exist in a harmonious juxtaposition.

We endeavour, wherever possible, to make the design be ‘of its time’

Other practicalities involve resolving the junctions between existing and new, and managing the budget where remedial work required to the existing house is often uncovered during construction.

Below is a list of current and completed single house projects, together with some downloadable information on each.


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